Tuesday 3 October 2017

#Inktober2017 no3

This needs an explanation. I can't remember when I started doing this, but I compare people to food. Not everyone, before I get enquiries about what food I think you are - but people that it occurs to me they share similarities to a certain food. One of which, is the asparagus. 

Consider the asparagus for a second. In my opinion, you don't mess around with an asparagus. They are delicious just as they are - served tender, with perhaps a bit of lemon and butter - or on a pizza, in a risotto - all excellent. You don't need to whip them up into a mouse, or blitz them to oblivion to have a supposedly Very Good For You smoothie. Leave them be. 

The type of people I think of as asparagus are the people who try too hard to be something they are not. They try to be the asparagus mouse. The Very Good For You smoothie. When all they need to be is themselves, as they are, with no additives.  

I have dated some asparaguses, and come across a few asparaguses in my daily life. Asparaguses need to not take themselves so seriously, and know they are delicious without effort. I mean this in the most light hearted way, and do not wish to cause any upset. 

If you are somewhat affronted by this though, it may mean that you are an asparagus. 

Kept it simple today as I'm tired. Challenged myself to not use a pen, just a brush, which was fun.

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